Hello! I'm NagiPragalathan N

Web3 Hackathon 🏆🥇 × 8 | Open source contributor | gryffindors | Freelancer | JEC"24

Enthusiastic Full Stack Developer with a solid foundation in programming, development, large language models (LLM). Proven success in hackathons and hands-on experience in both frontend and backend development. Proficient in a variety of languages, frameworks, and tools, and passionate about Web3 and blockchain technologies. Recognized for excellent problem-solving, language proficiency, and teamwork skills. Committed to continuous learning and contributing to the open-source community.








Core Java




React ( Library )




Selenium ( python )


mango ( ORM DB )


Ubuntu ( OS )


figma ( UI Tool )


MIT ( NoCode Tool )








Core C#


Flask ( Framework )


Pygame ( Framework )


Tkinter ( Framework )


Web3 ( Module )


ORM in python ( DataBase )


Windows ( OS )


visual Studio code ( Softwares & Tools )


canva ( img processing tool )





Limra United Technology

During my 8-month internship at Limra United Technology, I gained experience in both manual and automation testing. I conducted manual testing, executed test cases, and reported defects. I used automation tools like Selenium (Java, Python) and Cypress to automate tests, improving efficiency. I collaborated with cross-functional teams and developed a strong understanding of the software development life cycle. Overall, I acquired skills in testing, communication, and teamwork.

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Jaya Engineering College

As a Teaching Ambassador in the Coding Club at Jaya Engineering College, my responsibilities included conducting coding workshops, teaching programming concepts, and providing guidance to club members. I organized coding competitions and collaborated with fellow ambassadors and coordinators to plan club activities. I offered support in troubleshooting coding issues and fostered a collaborative learning environment. Additionally, I stayed updated with coding trends and assessed the progress of club members. In this role, I showcased strong programming skills, communication abilities, and a passion for mentoring students.

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The Python Package Index (PyPI)

As an Open Source Contributor in Python, I have actively contributed to various open source projects. My responsibilities included developing and enhancing modules by writing code, fixing bugs, and adding new features. I actively engaged in discussions with the open source community, providing valuable insights and suggestions. I also participated in code reviews and collaborated closely with project maintainers to ensure high code quality and adherence to project standards. Additionally, I took a proactive approach in identifying and resolving issues, improving documentation, and enhancing overall project functionality.

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SecureDapp l Internship | Bangalore

Frontend developer Played a pivotal role as a frontend developer in the development of Web3 SecuredApp's launchpad project. Tech Stack: Java Script, React JS, Ether JS

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Lumos Labs Hackthon in Bangalore

Our team, comprising Thiru Murugan, Prashant D, Vairamuthu M M, and myself, participated in Lumos Labs' Web3 Build Hackathon in Bangalore. Despite facing challenges and bugs, we successfully completed our first blockchain project, "IMMOVABLE." The project allows users to buy and sell lands using their cryptocurrency wallet and provides a ledger sheet for specific transaction details. Through our solution, a peer-to-peer smart contract is established between the buyer and seller. We express our gratitude to Lumos Labs CEO Kaavya Prasad for the opportunity and extend our thanks to Naman Ohri and Lumos Labs for their support. You can find our project at this link: https://lnkd.in/ghy7n4tg.

Date: 2022-11-16

Thiru Murugan, Prashant D, Vairamuthu M M, and myself


Starknet CC India Hackathon

We are delighted to announce our victory in the Starknet CC India Hackathon, a 48-hour event organized by StarkWare. This hackathon was part of ETHIndia "22 and focused on creating an AI game on their on-chain network. Our previous hackathon experience greatly contributed to our success, making us more confident and knowledgeable. We extend our gratitude to our talented teammates Vairamuthu M, Thiru Murugan, and Prashant D for their exceptional contributions. A special thanks goes to Kumaran Ma for his unwavering support and belief in our team. We would also like to express our appreciation to the organizers for hosting insightful workshops that helped us excel in the competition.

Date: 2022-12-01

Thiru Murugan, Prashant D, Vairamuthu M, and myself.


PhoenixGuildHQ TPG Hackerhouse Hackathon

I am thrilled to announce that our team emerged as the first prize winners at the 48-hour @PhoenixGuildHQ TPG Hackerhouse Hackathon, which was part of EthIndia 22. We developed NFT Media, a decentralized social media application using @Chingari IN, @biconomy for account abstraction, @Web3Storage for storing media on IPFS and @Filecoin, and Tableland. Special thanks go to @PhoenixGuildHQ TPG for hosting insightful workshops and to our supportive team members: Thiru Murugan, Prashant D, and Vairamuthu M. Our time in Bangalore was truly memorable, engaging in various blockchain-related events.

Date: 2022-12-04

Thiru Murugan, Prashant D, Vairamuthu M, and myself


TON Hack-a-ton in Hyderabad

Participating in the TON Hack-a-ton in Hyderabad was an amazing experience for our team. The event provided us with valuable insights into web3 and the functional programming language. The seminars were engaging and interactive, featuring informative sessions and ample opportunities for Q&A. We greatly benefited from the dynamic learning environment and expanded our knowledge in these areas. Overall, the hackathon was a memorable and enriching experience for all of us.

Date: 2023-04-13

NagiPragalathan N, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan.


Hackverse in TamilNadu

Hackverse, the largest hackathon in Tamil Nadu, provided us with another opportunity to collaborate on building a Web3 product with our team. The hackathon spanned 36 hours from 15/04/2023 to 16/04/2023. We leveraged technologies such as Spheron Network, Replit, Polygon Labs, Ethereum, and Zeeve to develop our project. The event was an exciting and intense experience, pushing our skills and creativity to the limit. We are grateful for the platform Hackverse provided us to showcase our abilities and learn from other talented participants.

Date: 2023-04-23

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan


National level techfest'23 (HACKAmirta)

We had the privilege of participating in the national level techfest, #tantrotsav, specifically the #HACKAmirta hackathon. The event focused on blockchain, web3, and the Reclaim Protocol. I am delighted to share that our team, #BugBreaker, consisting of NAGI PRAGALATHAN.N, Ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, and Mani Kandan, secured the second position. Our project involves developing a no-code application for building static websites effortlessly. We have incorporated blog, nocode, and low-code testing tools into our solution. You can find our project on GitHub using this link: https://lnkd.in/gMEZjVyp.

Date: 2023-04-18

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan


IBM zDatathon

The IBMz Datathon aimed to bring together aspiring data scientists, developers, and tech enthusiasts to showcase their skills and creativity in solving real-world challenges using IBMz technology. Participants were given the opportunity to leverage IBMz mainframe capabilities, such as secure and scalable data processing, advanced analytics, and machine learning, to develop innovative solutions.

Date: 2022-09-24

NagiPragalatha, Vairamuthum, HariPriya, Logiswari


Ur-Hackathon 2.0

A hearty welcome to all the Hackers for our two-week long blockchain Hackathon, which aims to bring all levels of creative and developer minds together to build amazing things on blockchain. There is no problem statement, we are open to every idea that you have.

Date: 2023-05-05

Prashant D, Nagi Pragalathan, Vairamuthu M, thirumurugan sivalingam


Flow Hackathon

This hackathon is all about building innovative on-chain experiences #onFlow, and reaching mainstream audiences. Thanks to Flow’s frictionless onboarding, on-chain scalability and revolutionary smart contract programming language (Cadence), on-chain experiences don’t need to be limited to a mint. Whether you’re looking to build a mobile game, a DeFi application or building experiences on top of existing apps like NBA TopShot, this hackathon is for you!

Date: 2023-05-01

Prashant D, Nagi Pragalathan N, Vairamuthu M , thirumurugan sivalingam.



Layer is a 24-hour offline hackathon organized by the Blockchain Club SRM and Gen-Y in order to foster and promote the Blockchain and web3 ecosystem in India. Layer will get all the creative and innovative minds across the globe together to build the best Dapps for a decentralized modular Web3 future using the power of Web3.

Date: 2023-04-17

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan


Unfold 2023

This year, CoinDCX is taking the excitement to unprecedented heights as we present the World’s Largest Multi-Chain Multi-Protocol Hackathon - Unfold 2023✨ The ultimate platform where the Web3 community unites from all corners of India and beyond, both in-person and virtually, to facilitate collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing in the Web3 space. The canvas is yours, the possibilities are endless, and the future is waiting.

Date: 2023-12-11

NagiPragalathan N, Thirumurugan sivalingam.


ETHIndia 4th edition

ETHIndia is a hackathon — a movement with the goal of inspiring and fostering a community of builders promoting technological advancements for Ethereum. It’s a place where the leading minds in the Ethereum ecosystem are uniting with 1500+ builders from around the globe to build decentralized applications for the future. And we invite you to be one of them.

Date: 2023-08-12

Prashant D, Nagi Pragalathan N, Vairamuthu M , thirumurugan sivalingam.


Hack At SITS

Hack At SITS is started to provide a platform for new hackers to build meaningful products. Raw ideas get wasted due to a lack of implementation and guidance. The objective is to provide a platform for such thoughts and create opportunities in the community.

Date: 2023-06-16

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan



The latest edition of the ETHIndia Online Series, ETHForAll is here! With this event, we’re shining the spotlight on leveraging crypto protocols to solve for the greater good. One which creates for a more positive sum future by solving for the most pertinent issues in our society.

Date: 2023-04-02

Prashant D, Nagi Pragalathan N, Vairamuthu M , thirumurugan sivalingam.



The National Level Hackathon on Blockchain is a highly anticipated event under the Digital Transformation theme of C20, which brings together blockchain enthusiasts, experts, and students from across the country to showcase their skills and creativity in developing innovative blockchain-based solutions. During the hackathon, participants will have the opportunity to attend tech talks and interact with industry leaders and mentors to refine their ideas and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements in blockchain technology.

Date: 2023-03-22

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Karthik S, Mani Kandan


Starknet HH India Hackathon

We are delighted to announce our victory in the Starknet CC India Hackathon, a 5-day event organized by StarkWare. This hackathon was part of ETHIndia '24 and focused on creating an AI game on their on-chain network. Our previous hackathon experience greatly contributed to our success, making us more confident and knowledgeable. We extend our gratitude to our talented teammates Vairamuthu M, Thiru Murugan, and Prashant D for their exceptional contributions.

Date: 2023-12-06

Prashant D, Nagi Pragalathan N, Vairamuthu M , thirumurugan sivalingam.


PEC Hacks

Welcome to PEC HACKS, where innovation meets impact! We are thrilled to invite you to this exciting hackathon organized by Panimalar Engineering College. It is your gateway to a world of possibilities, where passionate individuals like you come together to unleash their creativity, solve real-world challenges, and make a meaningful difference.

Date: 2024-01-27

NagiPragalathan, Emmanuvel, Rajan



ETHMumbai is the first-ever Ethereum hackathon in Mumbai that will be happening for 3 days(40 hours). As the first Ethereum hackathon, we are welcoming you to all the cool projects made by our BUIDLers vibrant community.

Date: 2024-03-29

NagiPragalathan, ravindran S B, Prashant D, Mani Kandan


GitHub contributions

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